Cohort 5

Our fifth cohort of students undertaking the AAPS CDT programme arrived in Bath on 25th September 2023. 

There are 15 core members in the cohort with a wide range of backgrounds including Aerospace Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Power Engineering, Psychology and Renewable Energy Engineering.

15 Core Students from the AAPS Research Themes

  • Application of Mathematics

  • Business & Management in Net Zero Mobility

  • Digital Systems, Optimisation and Integration

  • Gas Purification

  • Low Carbon Fuels

  • Propulsion Electrification

  • Sustainability and low carbon transition

  • Transport, Behaviour and Society

  • Transport policy & Economics

Photo of Taif Aljebory
Application of Mathematics
Photo of Oliver Bostock
Sustainability and Low Carbon Transition
Photo of Mark Butcher
Propulsion Electrification
Photo of Chloe Cannon
Gas Purification
Photo of Ruth Gibson
Transport, Behaviour and Society
Photo of Matthew Hutchins
Sustainability and Low Carbon Transition
Photo of Eymen Kilic
Propulsion Electrification
Photo of Cosmin Mudure
Low Carbon Fuels
Photo of Nina Patel
Low Carbon Fuels
Photo of Arash Pordel
Business and Management
Photo of Miles Rivett
Low Carbon Fuels
Photo of Josh Rogers
Sustainability and Low Carbon Transition
Photo of Faye Sanders
Transport, Behaviour and Society
Photo of An Song
Propulsion Electrification
Photo of Yue Wang
Transport Policy & Economics

© Copyright 2024 AAPS CDT, Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems at the University of Bath