From a young age, family members asked Aaron what he wanted to do when he became older. As a naive kid, he was and still is. His responses always orbited around scientific disciplines. He used to see himself in a white lab coat looking through a lens of knowledge and expertise that will assemble so much good for the world. Years passed, and the reality of becoming the new Dexter was reduced. It reached a certain point when he realized the lonely, phrenic and obsessed old man in a white lab coat was no longer at the cutting edge of research. Individuality is a quality of the past, while teamwork and group development is and will be how advances are obtained. These reasons are why he has made certain decisions in his academic history, such as studying physics with renewable energy at the University of Dundee, where the broadness of the physical world was shown to him during his time there. This helped him to understand a whole new and complex system. As Aaron mentioned before, the collaboration of multiple points of view produces and enhances the quality of any piece of work. If we increase this by mixing numerous angles of view and different backgrounds when solving a problem, not only one rounded solution may come up, but various and diverse solutions will arise for the same issue. This is what AAPS CDT is for Aaron and why he has decided to invest his next 4 years with them.
Considering his physics background, he is interested in how energy is obtained and which methods are used for its production. By making these systems more efficient and reliable, we increase overall optimization by reducing the usage of resources. More circular energy production could be obtained by transferring these into all scenarios.
Comprehending the intricate workings of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is a multifaceted task, influenced by numerous internal and external variables. These encompass factors like temperature, humidity, pressure, material thickness, mechanical stress, and resistivity, each playing a significant role in shaping the PEMFC's performance. The importance of delving into these properties lies in our ability to replicate PEMFC behaviour within a virtual environment. By mastering these properties and their interrelationships, we gain the capacity to model PEMFCs in a simulated setting, enabling us to assess their performance across a spectrum of scenarios. This iterative process of simulation and analysis serves to refine our virtual models, closely mirroring real-world conditions. In practical terms, this approach expedites experimentation, reduces both time and financial investments, and accelerates advancements in the realm of PEMFCs. Ultimately, a profound understanding of how internal and external properties impact the lifespan of PEM fuel cells is pivotal. It not only enhances their adaptability for various applications but also streamlines experimental procedures, facilitating rapid progress and seamless integration into diverse practical contexts. This comprehension serves as the linchpin for the continued evolution of PEMFC technology.
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