• Laura Seminati

  • Theme:Transport, Behaviour and Society
  • Project:Enhancing inclusion and user experience in Automated Driving Systems: understanding individual differences for user interface customization
  • Supervisor: Karin Petrini ,Crescent Jicol ,Nic Zhang
  • The Gorgon's Head - Bath University Logo
Photo of Laura Seminati


Laura completed a MSc in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Padova. During her Master she did an internship at the University of Bath and she undertook a research project investigating spatial memory and orientation and the impact of a multisensory GPS, using a Virtual Reality environment. She has joined the AAPS CDT to research interactions between people and autonomous vehicles (AVs). She is interested in understanding AV's users experience and testing possible solution for the adoption of AV. 


  • My projects use Virtual Reality, but I get easily motion sickness
  • During high school I studied ancient Greek and Latin
  • I can speak Spanish
  • I have a very developed sense of smell
Enhancing inclusion and user experience in Automated Driving Systems: understanding individual differences for user interface customization

Automated driving systems (ADS) could revolutionize transportation, increasing safety and sustainability. However, there are still challenges to make ASD accepted by the public. My project focuses on enhancing the user experience for ADS by looking at users' need profiles and assessing the role of customization of user interfaces (UI). Meeting the requirements of diverse individuals and ultimately implementing trustworthy and inclusive ADS technology could promote acceptance and adoption of ADS.

It is crucial to understand which type of information people expect from the vehicle to maintain transparency and to identify the best modality and moment to deliver the information according to different user profiles.

Experts underlined the importance of identifying cultural and individual differences to match users' needs with technical solutions and they underlined the fundamental role of user experience in user acceptance. I aim to inform ADS UI design through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, to understand users' preferences and requirements and assess the effects of UI customization in driving simulations to make sure that the experience of riding ADS is not only safe but also comfortable and inclusive.

© Copyright 2024 AAPS CDT, Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems at the University of Bath