• Nina Patel

  • Theme:Low Carbon Fuels
  • The Gorgon's Head - Bath University Logo
Photo of Nina Patel


Nina studied at Leeds university for an integrated masters with a year in industry in chemistry. During her four fantastic years of study, she enjoyed it and learnt a lot, however her main interests were in; the characterisation of inorganic compounds; chemistry of combustion and atmospheric chemistry. She also enjoys cycling and she has recently converted her conventional road bike into a full electric bike.

During her placement year she worked as a laboratory technician at an oil refinery in north east Lincolnshire.  Although the oil refinery bragged about its carbon capture programme, it was a polluted environment with lots of greenhouse gas emissions released constantly. Billowing smoke and blazing flares was an eye opener to how anthropogenic activities like the oil refinery are destroying our world.

Her final year at Leeds saw her working on her masters project in crystallisation chemistry. More specifically the characterisation of the crystal growth of calcium sulfate using x-ray diffraction. It was a hands on project with the modification of flow reactors so that the characterisation was as clear as possible. She immersed herself in the research and found that her learning excelled in this way. In addition, her research group of like-minded scientists made it enjoyable for her and she felt part of a community. Doing a PhD excited her and she felt inspired by her masters project.

When discovering AAPS Nina was surprised at how it mixes combines the work of different disciplines into ways of providing cleaner transport systems. To see that she could mix her passion for cars and bikes with chemistry into a PhD was a dream come true. 


  • I have an identical twin.
  • I once cycled 75 miles off the bat, because I felt like it.
  • I have a motorbike license. 

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