Rita has an Integrated Master in Civil Engineering, given by Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon), where she mainly focussed in the field of Urban Planning, Transportation and Systems. After finishing her degree she worked for about three months working at a Transportation Systems company and, for the rest of the year, she collaborated with her University to develop and revise the Municipality of Sines’ Master Plan. For her final project, she studied the development and modelling of Smart Cities and if, for that, the opened standard CityGML could be used. With this she realised that technology and innovation alone cannot move the world forward, cities need to keep up and be prepared to receive these current developments. Through AAPS she hopes to keep exploring the concept of smart cities (transportation and urban planning) and investigating how they can develop alongside the current advancements in the automotive industry. She enjoys lifelong learning to approach collaboratively new challenges in a team, working towards collective goals for the public good.
In an era where technology and transportation are so interlinked, new mobility concepts arise such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS). MaaS is expected to produce significant improvements in mobility such as the increase in the modal share of more environmentally friendly and efficient mobility options, the reduction in private car use/ownership, improving accessibility and frequency of the transportation network and the strengthening of cooperation and collaboration between public and private entities in order to reinforce the integration of transport modes in one platform accessible to everyone.
Despite being a well-known concept its implementation and subsequent effects have been not been widely explored when it comes to the connection between urban areas or even the linkage between urban and rural areas. This research will be focused on those aspects of MaaS in order to assess its feasibility in these environments and making sure that the concept is design to respond to the citizen's needs while corresponding to the expectations of its implementation.
A record of conference participation
A record of awards
Rita has recently published papers on her research journey
A record of professional development activity
Visits, academic exchanges and experimental updates
© Copyright 2024 AAPS CDT, Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems at the University of Bath