• Thomas Barthelay

  • Theme:Propulsion Electrification
  • Project:Computational modelling and analytical measurements of lithium intercalation into carbon fibre to better understand their multifunctional properties
  • Supervisor:Andrew Rhead
  • Industry Partner: GKN
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Thomas graduated from the University of Manchester in 2019 with an MChem Hons where he studied the structural features of Metal-Organic Frameworks in different states for small molecule storage. During his undergraduate he also volunteered for an internship at ITODYS Laboratories at Université Paris Diderot looking at high efficiency photovoltaic titanium oxide cells. These are examples of his main research interests of novel approaches to obtain cleaner and more sustainable propulsion systems on a fundamental level. Through AAPS he hopes to facilitate constructive communication between academia and industry whilst being able to carry on contributing to research.

Thomas has recently published papers on his research journey.

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