Will graduated from the University of Reading in 2022 in BSc Construction Management and Building Surveying participating in research and consultancy projects alongside such as bringing new technology into hydroponics and how to improve teaching at the university. His dissertation focused on the progress of decarbonising heat with heat pumps and culminated in a feature with the Centre for Climate Justice; the data featured showed some of the technical and socioeconomic factors which prevent households from installing systems as well as the impact of government grants and schemes across the country.
Will is planning to develop his technical knowledge and academic skills during his MRes year while learning more about transport infrastructure and the automotive industry. Continuing the theme of decarbonisation of energy, Will is focusing on developing new modular Hydrogen storage systems for vehicles and assessing the feasibility as well as impact of such options in comparison to other fuelling methods as a PhD project. After finishing at Bath he hopes to either continue conducting research or use the expertise gained during the programme and his wide range of skills to provide useful input into industry as a consultant.
Green hydrogen is a renewable, zero-emissions fuel and in a fuel cell vehicle could replace fossil fuels combustion engines reducing carbon emissions. A major challenge is storage, where refilling a tank is difficult involving extreme pressures and temperatures which can be dangerous and inefficient. One way to solve this challenge is to swap out a fuel tank meaning it can be refilled more efficiently and safely remotely instead of manually. Will's project will look at what needs to be done to see what kind of benefits can be expected from this new approach and how well such a system would work when brought into practice.
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